Dr. Ramesh Byrapaneni
June 28, 2021
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Why did we invest in Synapsica?

Why did we invest in Synapsica?

Dr Ramesh Byrapaneni breaks down his investment rationale for Synapsica.

My belief is that technology, would not do away with specialized manpower, what it aims to do is further strengthen and empower the abilities and decision-making for the specialists.” He says.

Read on to know what fuels a strong decision to partner and invest.

I have always truly believed that our world needs innovators who work in the twilight zone of Medicine and Technology and create products that add precision, replace old outdated types of equipment and technology, can be scaled universally, and drives economy-of-scale and affordability. When I meet Healthcare founders, their passion and deep understanding of the subject appeal to me as much as their determination to make our world a better place through their innovations. Their conviction is what drives me, each day in my role as an investor.

I have always strongly believed that AI has a very significant role to play in the evolution of Healthcare.

AI has the power to bridge the disparity that exists in Healthcare ecosystem, whether in India or the rest of the world, and help patients from Tier 2 and 3 cities and rural areas to have better access to healthcare as specialists are primarily located in Tier 1 cities.

Even though Ai has role in almost all areas of Healthcare – Diagnostics, Clinical Medicine, Hospital Operations & Drug Discovery, it is in Diagnostics that its effects can be the most far-reaching and immediate. While in Pathology the images being in analog formats do pose some difficulty in AI adoption, in Radiology, where all images are already digital, AI can most definitely add to the precision and diagnostic ability immediately.

My belief is that technology, would not do away with specialized manpower, what it aims to do is further strengthen and empower the abilities and decision-making for the specialists.

Even though there are over 50 startups which are working in this space around the world, Synapsica’s focus on the spine which is a region of the body where AI/ML led diagnostics can work wonders via their ability to garner precise quantification and insights.

My interactions with the brilliant Founders of Synapsica; Meenakshi, Kuldeep and Dr. Cherian got me excited. Their products are relevant and a need of the hour.

Synapsica is a leading Intelligent AI-enabled Radio Diagnostic Reporting solution provider for radiologists and Imaging Centres. Synapsica’s flagship product RADIOLens (a browser-based PACS system), and their three AI products Spindle, SpindleX, and Crescent work seamlessly together, to provide a complete augmented radiology experience with objective and predictive reporting.

Their aim is to boost clinical workflow excellence and reduce reporting turnaround time and help Radiologists deliver quality patient care.

I truly believe in the potential of this product to appeal to Radiologists and drive a positive change in the patient care process. At Endiya we are the launchpad for founders with a vision to question the norm and aspire towards better solutions. Therefore, I am thrilled to be a part of Synapsica’s journey and watch them scale up and grow while working towards bettering Healthcare experience for patients, a most novel cause.